60 Minutes Interview with Kamala Harris

60 Minutes Interview with Kamala Harris

This weeks discussion is on the interview between 60 Minutes and Kamala Harris. How can we truly trust the media when we see, time and again, clear examples of how stories are shaped to protect political interests? Here’s yet another case of the media carefully...
Harris – Walz Socialists?

Harris – Walz Socialists?

Socialism has man variations. From the The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 1800’s to the so called modern day Democratic Socialism practiced by many European nations, it is harder to define. Socialism exists on a scale, as do...

Kamala – DNC Convention & More

Since Elon Musk mentioned it many of you have heard of the GovTrack deleted page listing Kama Harris as the furthest left Democrat Senator. Yes, she is to the left of Bernie Sanders according to that deleted page. The page can be found on the web archive. Here is the...