Mac and Mike discuss some of their views. Mac comes at things from the Roman Catholic perspective and Mike from the non-denominational (hereinafter ND) perspective. A few notes: Mac and I may differ and at times Mac may seem heated. However, we have been and always...
Transcript by Hey everybody, welcome back to Mac and Mike and it’s Mac Mike and Joe again today with our Sundays with Mac and Mike. Today we decided we’re going to sort of start from the beginning. I’ve been working with a couple people...
We discuss 2nd Corinthians 13:14 in relationship to the Holy Spirit. “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
The movie the Passion of the Christ is a good place to start introducing your older children to the true meaning of Easter. Think about making it a tradition. You can watch the movie in many places. If you have Fox Nation, Amazon Prime, Tubi, Roku, and more. I was...
Mac and I both spent time in the Middle East during the wars from the 1990s to the 2000s. In this episode, we share our personal experiences. It is not an exposition on the religion of Islam although we do touch on some issues. Islam is a complicated religion. I dare...
Sundays with Mac and Mike What do we mean by the centrality of Christ? It does not mean we all have to have the same beliefs about everything. What we must have is the centrality of Christ in order to be called Christians. Many passages from the Gospels to the...
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