Mac and Mike discuss the differences between the “good old days” and today. A broad range of subjects are discussed.

Are we better off today with all our modern advancements? Nobody can argue many things have improved like advances in medicine etc, but what about our culture? Are we learning from the TV programs we watch and social media to be good to one another?

The younger generation does not recall a day when there was no room for the word “damn” in polite society. Yet that was the standard for those of us who are a bit older was quite different. Now you can say almost anything you want. Here is a link to an online article about that word just 11 short years ago.

It is rare if a new sitcom doesn’t have at least one or two characters that are transgendered, gay, lesbian, and so on. Have we gone from under-representation of real-life to overrepresentation? Long gone are the days of Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best. How has that impacted our culture?

Both Mac and Mike have children and grandchildren. What would we want to convey to them and leave them with after we are gone? There are many things but to sum it up Mac would say integrity and honesty. Both are very important and worthy. For Mike, the short answers are love and forgiveness. It is hard to narrow down a lifetime of experience to a handful of concepts.