Population Is Declining

Population Is Declining

The issue of population decline is becoming a significant concern around the world. While global population growth continues, most countries and regions are experiencing declining birth rates, aging populations, and, consequently, overall population decline. This...
Cultural Appropriation?

Cultural Appropriation?

Wikipedia defines it: Cultural appropriation can include the exploitation of another culture’s religious and cultural traditions, dance steps, fashion, symbols, language, and music. The real question is does anyone take this seriously and should we? There are...
2 Kinds of Speech – Threats & Hate

2 Kinds of Speech – Threats & Hate

The primary distinction between hate speech and making terroristic threats lies in the nature and potential consequences of the two types of speech. Hate speech, while offensive and often contributing to a climate of discrimination and hostility, is generally...
Anti White Racism

Anti White Racism

Defining anti-white racism Anti-white racism is like that one cousin at a family gathering who shows up uninvited and causes unnecessary drama. It refers to prejudiced attitudes, discrimination, or hostility directed towards individuals who are identified as white....