Note: According to Grok Mike was correct. The use of deadly force is standard on FBI raid paperwork and China does not import much coal at all from the US.

Here’s a summary of the conversation from the “Mack and Mike” podcast episode:


  • Mack, Mike, and their guest Brent.

Main Topics Discussed:

  1. Cabinet Appointments Under Trump:
    • Lee Zeldin for EPA: Mike highlights Zeldin’s common sense approach, his experience with personal threats, and his balanced view on environmental policies. Mike appreciates Zeldin’s approach to environmental issues, acknowledging the historical Republican involvement in environmental protection (citing Nixon’s establishment of the EPA).
    • Pete Hegseth for Defense: Brent supports Hegseth due to his military background and leadership qualities, emphasizing his potential to restore traditional military standards.
    • Kash Patel for FBI: Mack advocates for Patel to lead the FBI, stressing the need for integrity, transparency, and the cessation of what he calls “lawfare” under previous administrations. He believes Patel can restore the FBI’s reputation.
    • Other Picks:
  2. General Discussion:
    • Environmental Concerns: The conversation touches on the importance of clean air and water, the role of China in global pollution, and the mixed messages of electric vehicles powered by coal-generated electricity.
    • Political Commentary: There’s criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of law enforcement and the FBI, with specific mention of perceived biases and misuse of power.
    • Policy and Social Issues: Discussions on military standards, the handling of veterans’ rights, and immigration policies under Trump, including the use of Guantanamo Bay for deportation processing.
  3. Cultural Observations:
    • The group reflects on changes in societal norms, particularly around gender identity, with a humorous note on the perceived return to traditional gender recognition under Trump.
  4. Personal Reflections:
    • The hosts share personal anecdotes related to health, environmental changes they’ve witnessed, and their skepticism towards mainstream media and information sources.


  • The episode ends with plans to revisit their opinions on Trump’s appointees in a few months, suggesting a dynamic view on political figures and their roles. They sign off with appreciation for Brent’s participation and a light-hearted acknowledgment of Mack’s health issues affecting his speech.
Transcript – Auto Generated

hey everybody welcome back to Mack and Mike we have our special friend Brent with us this week Mack’s been a little
under the weather so he wanted somebody to carry the ball talking because he
might start coughing at any particular point that sounds like you got a boyfriend Mike I’m not sure we want to
introduce as a special friend how about a brother in arms yeah well Brent and I have been butt
Buddies For What 34 years plus nicest man I’ve ever slept with M too much
information yeah so anyway uh we tried to come up with a a discussion topic
this week Max suggested that we talk about our favorite picks for cabinet
members that Trump’s put forth so far and uh you know I know that the typical
one since we’re all veterans here you know people are going to want to talk about Pete HG Seth and maybe Homeland Security and all the
other FBI stuff but I’m going to come up with an obscure one uh one of my
favorite cabinet picks is Lee zeldon you guys know who Lee zeldon is don’t you
heard the name okay so he’s former Congressman ran for governor in New York
is now head of the EPA oh all right so you might think okay
why why are you focusing on the EPA well there’s a couple reasons hey Mike focusing on EPA first I I think um that
number one a lot of people don’t think about the EPA much now it’s not listed in like the top five important cabinet
uh heads but Lee is a very uh Common Sense guy I’ve seen him on a lot of
interviews he’s been on the Greg Gutfeld show which shows me has a sense of humor
but he’s also opened up very personally you know he was running for governor there were I
guess threats against his life and somebody actually showed up outside his door so he’s not uh unfamiliar with the
anti-trump policies but the EPA is interesting to me and know a lot of my leftist friends you know they’re all
into the environment which they come to the conclusion that Republicans are not
which is completely false as a matter of fact do you guys know who started the EPA
rean Richard Nixon that’s right Richard Nixon Back in
1970 now ever we font of information oh I am I mean you’re not just another
pretty face well one of my one of my friends John down in the outter Banks SM you met him um you know he’s he owns a
bagel shop but he’s a really smart guy he’s an engineer who just sort of gave up that life to own a bagel shop on the
Outer Banks and he’s big into the environment he’s a Democrat but he’s an NRA gun toen a lot of his views are kind
of rightwing and yet he calls himself a Democrat I asked him why and he said well I’m into the environment now in the
Outer Banks the environment is very important because it’s by the ocean and many years ago when I lived down there
and I was a chamber of commerce Ambassador they had moved from using the plastic bags to paper bags and now
they’ve reintroduced some plastic bags cuz I lived right along the beach and I could see plastic bags just blowing down
the windy Beach because that’s where the rri brothers had their first flight right you know Beth and I used to go
down to the beach and clean it up too because there’s a lot of trash left behind by tourists and people that just don’t care but back to Lee um one of the
things that he’s gone through sort of a transition where he was a little bit
more rightwing but now he’s come sort of to theeven on the environment and I
think that’s where most people really are if they stop and think about it look I have never run into anyone that’s a
reasonable person that doesn’t want clean water and clean air it’s extremely
important and you know the arguments come from the right well China India and
these other countries they’re not doing their part well o okay that’s true but
just because you you can’t justify your own behavior by pointing to somebody else’s bad
behavior at the same time there has to be a balance between the economy and you know the amount of money
you’re going to put into something and the net benefit that you’re going to receive from those policies that you’re
paying for and I think Lee zeldon is going to strike the perfect balance so um you know he came to the
point you know we talk about climate change and everybody’s you know it’s a standing joke that the Liberals changed
global warming to climate change yeah because global warming can it you know
be Pro it was always contentious but everybody agrees the climate change hell I’m 67 years old and
I I remember when I was a kid it was really cold New York City they said we were coming out of like a mini ice age
and all the talk back then wasn’t about global warming it was about this coming Ice
Age so it’s it’s kind of like that’s 1960s science versus 2000 some science
and it really I don’t think that it’s so important whether the globe is warming or cooling because anybody that studied
the ice sheets and you know we drill down into these things look back millions of years and the environment’s
changed drastically over the course of Earth’s history so how much man has to do with
it is still always the question but the bottom line is we should have clean
water and clean clean air when I was a kid in New York City we had leaded gas
and I mean I tell you New York City was horrible with air pollution I mean I had
breathing problems and things like that and then they moved to unleaded gas and I I moved out to the country and my
breathing got a lot better but uh you know it’s a global thing for sure we all
have to do our part and people point to China building how how Mac how many coal
fired power plants does China build every year they’re they’re they’re averaging brand new Coal Fired plants a
tremendous number like in one a week or something like that it’s just it’s just stupid now you know everybody wonders
why well China they they’re not stupid and they have some of the world’s largest coal
deposits so they’re just taking advantage of their natural actually they import a lot of coal from all over the
world especially us coal but what they know is is that coal is the cheapest to
operate I mean from raw fuel into energy and uh they’re taking advantage of it
because according to Paris climate Accord they are developing nation and of
course the United States is not a developing na one of the reason okay well my my source yeah yeah let me tell
you my source is grock okay they say China is the number one uh producer of C
in the world it is true that they do import they don’t import much from the United States according to Gro you know
they import a little bit from Indonesia and a couple other countries but they
they have like 70% of their own 70 to 80% of their own coal needs and so it’s
only natural for them to want to burn coal it’s like uh you know we burn oil
we have a lot of oil here in the United States we also burn coal we have a lot of that so we sort of have this mixed
bag now the other interesting thing about China is they produce more
electric and hybrid vehicles than any other country in the world I mean 50% of
their sales are electric and hybrid vehicles so they’re using these coal
powered plants to fire up the electricity needed for their electric
vehicles so it’s sort of like a catch 22 you know they’re polluting the air and that’s what they always say with
electric vehicles in the United States we are polluting to generate the
electricity to run our quote zero emissions electric vehicles that’s the
dumbest thing I’ve ever seen well it it’s I mean okay so we go back to fossil
fuels let’s think about that just for a minute fossil fuels come in a couple of
Co coal natural gas and oil now coal
again is is huge and we’re g to have that for like another hundred years without looking for any more new
deposits the guess is around 100 years with current oil deposits now this
is current we only got about 50 years left at uh anticipated increased rates
of oil usage until we we won’t run out but we’ll have to go looking for it and
maybe extracting it from other sources like you know the the dirty oil from the oil sands
so but at some time Elon Musk pointed this out sooner or later we’re going to
run out of fossil fuels remember fossil fuels are created from what fossils so
there’s a limited supply of that a and so to to be pragmatic about this this
approach that’s why you hear a lot of people like Trump and people in his administration say we want an all of the
above solution and I think that’s where Lee zeldon is is pointing
we allow Innovation to create the electric vehicles instead of mandates because
sooner or later we will develop these Technologies uh even I’m looking at the
next car I lease possibly getting a hybrid vehicle one that uses both electric and gas I mean as a Honda CRV
for example uh that’s a hybrid on average will get 40 miles to the gallon
not bad and I’m hoping in three years the least price difference is a little
cheaper or more C competitive than it is today and the other big problem we have
is our oceans we got all these Plastics in our oceans nobody can deny that you want to talk about an environmental
hazard now the United States again they were banning plastic straws here in the US completely pointless because
Indonesia China Africa are the biggest polluters of our oceans both the Pacific
and the Atlantic so we have very very little to do with putting any kind of
trash into our oceans so even though that’s an international space we get our
fish from there uh the microplastics are now being found in everything we’re
feeding this to our kids which kind of bleeds over into RFK Jr and his keep
America healthy thinking that and we have people like Elon Musk and others
who are just Geniuses and the thing is if we can come up with a way to clean up our oceans with with with using guys
like musk instead of government funding that would be a win-win solution for everyone and that’s why I think Lee
zeldon was a great cabinet pick plus I like him personally just listening to
him talk he’s an amazing man yes so who’s next go ahead Matt no Brent you’re next
man the Air Force guys you know how you stick together armor brings up the wrist
yeah well hello fellas uh I gotta say that Elon Musk is my
pick uh might seem like you know for obvious reasons as you said Mike the
guy’s a genius and he’s done he’s done a lot uh
to show me that he’s a leader I mean he opened Tesla SpaceX open AI neuralink
xai zip 2 America pack and that’s just a few and here it is he only graduated
from uh Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences in what 97 here is 25 and the guys worth about
400 billion not bad almost a trillion he’ll be the first trillionaire
I I bet he will be I thought uh maybe Tiger Woods would be but I don’t see that
happening um so it’s government efficiency that’s quite a name I was
going to mention that too he’s going to head up do uh I think that’s fantastic
if there’s anybody that knows how to make Cuts it’s Elon Musk walk in the door and
say 80% of you are fired I like that I like that so Bren who do you like
as a Cabinet pick since he’s not a Cabinet member Pete hexi you like Pete
Pete Pete has been it’s been said that he’s a little too young I I
disavow that fallacy I think the guy’s been through plenty I think he was uh
educated at Yale uh was an Army infantry infantry
officer did a few tours over there so I now don’t only respect him as a a fellow
veteran but to think that a fellow veteran is now the Secretary of Defense
that makes sense to me yeah and I think Pete’s going to
handle it like he did everything else you know I mean I’ve saw him shut down reporters and so forth on on TV and he
doesn’t take their their crap I used to see him on on Fox and uh he was the kind
of the rightwing ad to this panel and uh he’s an very intelligent man I mean far
above my pay grade so impressive huh huh what he did with
General Millie was pretty impressive day one in office I absolutely like that too
it’s a shame we can’t Court marshal at son of a oh gone I don’t I don’t
know that you know isn’t the UCMJ different than the federal law I I I
don’t know that I guess I really don’t know where the two separate but um I
know they’re going to do some sort of UCMJ action on him and and
yeah one of the things they’re talking about at least taking away one of his stars is
minimum at a minimum you know I don’t think they’ll take it much further than that simply because it’ll look like
Revenge but uh you know one of the criticisms of Pete of course was his age as you started out saying Brett and uh
you know everybody seems to forget about Hegel remember secretary Hegel he was a
listic guy right he didn’t have a whole lot of experience and some times it doesn’t
take experience it takes a leader a person with natural leadership abilities
right now I know Mack you used to work for Concerned Veterans for America and
that’s one of the organizations that Pete heg Seth had headed up and you had had some thoughts about Pete I don’t
know if you want to share them now or wait till later well his his book he wrote a book about how to support the
Warriors you know and um you know the things she talks about you know
reinstituting standards in the military he’s he’s not against female soldiers
but he is against lowering standards so that female soldiers can um be appointed
to or or or assign certain jobs you know even no transgenders necessary um you
know right now we don’t have a PT test and the reason we don’t have a PT test is because the universal PT test is too
difficult for female soldiers to to score passing great on so we’ve suspended those things um you know and
he wants to get rid of the Dei and the woke and all that stuff I personally know uh a commander of a unit uh because
I still have contacts in the military in the Army and uh this particular Commander has a transgender soldier in
the unit which causes morale and a spre problems throughout the entire unit and
a whole set of special requirements special um rules if
you will um for this one particular Soldier and it causes hate and
discontent among the troops that’s not good for unit cohesion so Pete wants to get do away
with that and I agree with it you know I had female soldiers in my unit in Desert
Storm and it caused me difficulties as a commander it just did and I dealt with
it because that’s what I was handed but you know a unit of all male soldiers would have been easier to uh keep
working in the in the same direction without it’s always been
yeah I couldn’t agree more with you I think Pete hex is GNA be a great
secretary and the other the other point on Pete is people don’t realize that you
know like Hegel he was only secretary in defense for two years there’s a lot of times these secretaries don’t make it
four years and it’s not necessarily because they’re incompetent or something but it I think Pete is going to be so
successful that they just may replace him in two years in two years he may say I think I’ve done my job and it’s time
for me to get out we we don’t know maybe he’ll be there for four or even eight years depending on if the next
president’s a republic so I mean he’s young enough to continue on for many many
years so anyway ma who’s your uh who’s your cabinet sec wow you guys left me the best ones you
know um you know I I Rubio for secretary of state is an absolute slam dunk you
know he’s already over in Denmark negotiating on Greenland uh talk about hitting the ground running um but you
know I Bess it uh for treasury the guy’s a financial genius he’s smarter than
most everybody else in the world and I mean that sincerely I’m not um when it comes to matters of
finance and so he’s an excellent pick excuse me
um I thought you know I’ve long been a a a fan of telsey gabard I think uh
director National um you know the the whole dni thing intelligence uh I think
she’s and you know you mentioned a little bit RFK did you hear RFK when he was being interviewed by Bernie Sanders
and they were indicating some problem with him maybe being influenced by big Pharma yeah yeah that hey big farmer is
not influencing not only the the you know the the federal agencies but you you conquered every one of you guys are
making money for big Pharma you’re being influenced by them um just shut them right down any of those would be my pick
because they’re all great picks but I’m going to focus on cash Patel and I’m going to focus on cash
Patel for one reason specifically do you remember when the
FBI viated Mara logo on the trumped up
you know the president has secret documents he shouldn’t have yep everyone
remember remember that many people don’t know or and many others have
forgotten but the warrant to search Mara logo included
authorization to shoot to kill if necessary during that raid
now I don’t care how far and wide you look the whole idea of the FBI shooting
at Secret Service agents and F and secret service agent shooting back at FBI agents is the dumbest thing I’ve
ever heard anybody say out loud in my entire life look the FBI is responsible under
the Biden Administration for what they’ve now labeled
lawfare I don’t care who you are are where you live what your role in life is
you should not an American citizen who is not violated the law should not be
worried about the FBI knocking at their at their door if you remember the FBI
labeled people who went to Schoolboard meetings and question you know some of
the Dei and some of the wok um they labeled them potential
terrorists if you remember the the FBI labeled American citizens who were
members of the Roman Catholic faith who attended the traditional Latin mass as
being potential terrorists if you remember they put out a a warning that
veterans who own guns and were members of organizations like the
NRA and were you know pro-life activists are potential
terrorists and for the FBI to take those kind of threats do you remember when the FBI Richmond office put out a paper that
said we need to surveil Catholic churches and we need to in we need to
embed informant to find out which of these Catholics are
subversive the point I’m trying to make is is that under the Biden
Administration the FBI either through fisa fake fisa warrants or through all
kinds of various misdeeds have completely ruined any kind of confidence
that Americans can have in the FBI cash Patel himself was the victim of
surveillance and you know one could argue
inappropriate behavior directed towards him by by law enforcement agencies
he was a uh a member of the Department of Justice he was he was an intelligence
um officer and and a couple of different um he’s never been a member of the FBI
but he’s been in the intelligence work for a long time when he was doing his
you know Senate confirmation hearing he was attacked several times based on
false information which he which he stood up to and responded to appropriately
I guess the bottom line I’m trying to get to with cash Patell is is that our FBI the Federal Bureau of
Investigation must be completely squeaky clean there cannot be any even
appearance of impropriety there can’t be any appearance of lawfare there can’t be
any appearance excuse me of any kind of political motivation for the work that
they do and um I can’t tell you the number of times in the past under the former FBI
director and uh that was both Comey and who was the guy that was in there after Comey Name Escapes me right now uh but
they were absolutely political partisans and remember Comey coming out and saying
when when Hillary Clinton did the whole bleach bit thing with and and and smashed your phones and uh you know with
with the Hammers well no uh no no no Department of Justice attorney would
actually take this to trial yeah well how about giving it to the Department of Justice letting decide the director of
the FBI is not supposed to make those decisions
so all of the positions that we’ve talked about of course are very important and uh you know Mike you you
chose Elden in EPA which was an interesting one well I did that because I figured you guys were all going to
talk about the ones that you mentioned I had to come out of the box yeah of
course you do because you’re down there in the sand not in the gravel you’re below the gravel in sand and I like
Brent’s pick of head
because I know Pete and he actually is the guy that you see he actually is the
guy who just wants the military to perform their Mission and not be a
social experiment and our military has long been used as a social experiment
proof and fact um one of the first things Trump did is all those members of
the military who are kicked out because they refused to take the covid vaccine they have a standing offer come
back in not only did you get back your rank not only you get promoted if you would have been promoted in the interim
but you get your back pay um and I think that was the right thing to do because those people were were forced out based
on a now having said that I don’t know how many shots that I got when I was
going to war that I still don’t know what they are because they lost my shot record but uh forcing those people out
because they didn’t want to take the M RNA shot I think was wrong so but again getting back to cash Patel
I think the FBI needs to be the premier law enforcement agency of the United States
they need to be able to be completely scandal-free they need to be
completely um influence free there cannot be any impropriety there can’t be
any indication of the word lawfare that they’re currently using um they can’t do
things like uh of allowing um weapons to
when they’re going to the presiden private residents um those are things that are just over the top and cash Patel despite
his lack of experience in law enforcement I believe is the right man of integrity to lead that Force to clean
out those people who have those Tendencies to fall on the wild side of
law enforcement and to bring the FBI back to the its reputation the premier
law enforcement um organization in the United States of America you know other countries are laughing at
us you know the Biden Administration has been a joke in so many different ways you know do you know that there were
several um aborted investigation into the
Biden’s fam’s foreign money streams coming in
the United States and each one of those investigations was stopped by someone in
the Department of Justice and cash Patel was was informed and aware of many of them
and uh you know we can’t have you know one of I I’m jumping
around because there’s so many things I want to say my mind is going
crazy if you watch the news and some of these left leing news people today what
are they saying about the Trump Administration this is an oligarchy we have all these rich people
that are going to run things and it’s going to be terrible for the poor people let me tell you something under the
Biden Administration it truly was an oligarchy right I mean you had you had
the you you had the Biden family and you had um the Clinton family and you had
various members of Congress how much money has Nancy Pelosi made
through and others I don’t mean to pick on her but others who have made literally millions of dollars while they
have been quote public servants and no investigations have been done and um you
know the American people are tired of it which is why Donald Trump got the majority of the popular vote as well as
a as a pretty heavy um Electoral College vote so I think and there are so many
good ones but I think cash Patel because of the immediate effect you I wanted to
say Tom Holan too right how many people is there already kicked out of the you know the the head of ice how many people
there already kicked out of the United States of America that needed to be gone and uh you know that’s an interesting
subject you know uh I I I want to run the numbers on it I haven’t done it yet
but I think we’re going to have to like Deport 10,000 people a day in order to even get close to uh I think 11,000 a
day is is what the average was coming in under bike now you got a thousand going
out yeah you know now we only have a th going out you’re going to need 10,000 a
day and um you know they’re opening up GMO which is I think is great I actually
thought of why not open gitmo more than a month ago started putting head said
about 30,000 or worse of these people are going to end up in gitmo yeah yeah it’s it’s uh it’ll take you know
everybody thinks it’s going to happen all at once it’s kind not going to happen overnight but you know it can
take up to 30,000 and be maybe expanded to more now that’s going to cost the taxpayers money so I think they’re going
to have two sections of get Mo probably one is for lower level crimes that where
we can’t get them back into the country look sort of like a a waiting area instead of putting them in jails in the
United States where we’re already overcrowded move them offshore let them
sit there and wait until we can get them transported out now Trump said too some
of these people we don’t want to send back to any country because there’s a high likelihood that they’ll get out of
the prisons there and come back here again so we want we don’t want that recidivism and uh you know so I I think
you know you’re right with Pete heg Seth and Tom Holman and
uh Christy gome you know chrisy Nome is another great pick right I mean right
there in the front lines watching these people being rounded up and boy she is not hard to look at I’m going to just
say it straight out tiny little thing she pretty is is pretty easy on the ice
yeah how about Pam Beyond right she’s not too shabby either yeah attorney
general yep but uh back to the cash Patel and the um the order to use lethal
Force I think I heard I I I’ll look this up again I’ll try and remember somebody
remind me if if I don’t and put it in the uh the blog post you know below
where we post our videos I think it’s just a standard use of deadly force
authorized is on every form so they don’t take that off even if they’re G
after a 90y old man um so I’ll double
Cheo and the president’s residents they better take it off well it’s just a standard form is what I heard now I
don’t know again I’ll verify because that’s what I do best I hope is Mike the
verifier Kelly now I’ve proven you’ve had bad bad ingestion in the past what
I’ve proved you’ve had had a bad ingestion of data in the past for
example what what I’m trying to think of this uh place where you would go and you
swore by this place I’ve never sworn by any one place
mul I use multiple resources all the time but at any rate my point was I said
that’s ran by the Clinton you know no no it ain’t later we find out it’s ran by
the clintons that’s why there was nothing ever bad to say you have to you’d have to site that now I have I have used
things like Snopes and others because even though I know they
are left leaning the point being when a left leaning organ gation
makes the point that the right- Wingers are trying to make like me then I think
that’s evidence to the left Wingers that I’m trying to approach you know what I
say because I’ll say to a liberal or a Democrat well look you agree Snopes and that’s what it was Snopes Snopes it’s a leftwing organization so
if they say that Trump for example never said that they’re very fine people on
both sides why don’t you accept what the left wing says you’ve got to be really
so far out there that you won’t even agree with your own leftwing talking
points from Snokes but no I’ve never used one source for coming to the conclusion on anything
it brings up another good point on the way that I particularly approach almost
every subject you know military guys like us are typically known for for being type A personalities black and
white everything’s this way or that way yep I the problem I’ve had and I guess I
had it in the military I’ve never been uh a black and white kind of guy certain
things obviously are but many things in life I put on a scale from one to
10 because I I don’t trust what I’ve learned in the
past and we’re you know at our age we are products of you know you in your
case Brent 50 some years Mac and I 6 some Max approaching 70 years of builtin
tautologies and I’ve just seen so many things change you know more information
comes to light as time as time goes on oh your puppy dog yeah he wants to
get involved shut up well I mean I mean outside even politics I’ll never forget just you know
I have a deep interest in science but this is just an example of the way things change is when I was a kid I
think the Earth or the uh age of the universe was estimated to be 20 some billion years old and then all of a
sudden Hubble made a discovery and they chopped the age of the universe down to 17 billion years and then they put up
the webspace telescope and they knocked the age of the universe down to 13.5 billion years and now
you’re reading that the universe may be much older than we ever thought and may
not even had what we call a classical beginning so this is what I mean and now
I also take that into politics like the news like you read about Richard Nixon a
lot of people hear about Richard Nixon and even Republicans will say oh he was yeah he’s a terrible guy
spying on people he’s a lot he was actually one of the best presidents we
ever had but that didn’t come out until probably 15 20 years after they had
something to compare him to so that’s why I say I I I may feel this way today
and I understand why people change their position you know that scale moves off the center point of
five and uh you know I may not be totally persuaded one way or another but
I try to keep a little bit of an open mind about things you know Mike some things never change even though people
want them to in 2015 there were two genders male and female yeah over the
last four years there was 127 different genders guess what happened magically on
January 20th of this year boom two genders again that’s all I don’t know
what happened to the other 125 but we’re back to male and female Donald Trump
what a guy guy yeah what a guy yeah well by the way we have one minute left so if
anyone wants to wrap this up go ahead M you got me there I’m just
capable of wrapping up I can’t speak that’s what typ a flu will do to you but I guess Brent thanks for being with us
today brother my pleasure good to hear from you from the uh from the cold
Central Midwest of uh Michigan right and uh let’s talk about this again after a
couple of months and find out if we still think the uh this our favorite uh
uh Trump appointees are still our favorites sure that’s a great idea sounds like a plan back and Mike out out