By now you have likely all heard about Marine Lt. Col who demanded ‘accountability’ thrown into the brig without charges. If not, click here.

Why did Lt. Col Stuart Scheller post his video asking for accountability? “So we don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over!” If we do not hold people responsible there will be more of this in the future. Leadership denying culpability goes way beyond this one subject. It is at the root of most of our problems in America today.

The United States has become a “permissive” society that no longer demands accountability. That is why our politicians lie through their teeth and get re-elected. It is why our K thru 12 schools get away with teaching things that are antithetical to the values of most parents. Our permissive society is also why our National budgets are ballooning and causing inflation. The list could go on and on.

OK, that is enough ranting from me. The question is, what can be done? Call your Congressman and Senator and tell them to release Lt. Col Scheller! He resigned after 17 years and it was granted, only to have it reversed and then he was thrown into the brig without being charged with a violation.

Find your Representative at this link:

Find your Senator at this link: