If you listen to news stories about sexual harassment and compare them to what we see in our culture it appears to be sending mixed messages. Hollywood and the music industry come to mind. The same groups that promote sexuality are often the same groups involved in the Me Too Movement. It makes me wonder what young people go through today.

The Me Too folks have a point. Overt sexual harassment has no place in a decent society. However, like the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” the same might be said of sexual harassment. If someone is overly sensitive is it really harassment? How do we judge? These questions can be difficult to answer.

When I was growing up things were fairly simple. You found a girl you liked and then you assessed the situation before asking her on a date. You did not want your fragile ego to take a hit if you got the vibe she was not interested in you. You often flirted to see what kind of reaction you would get. Today simple flirtations can ruin your life.

I think the same flirting technique is used today by young men. Some things never change. The problem for young men is how do you approach a potential date? Today if you say “I like your hair, dress, etc., today” you can lose your career. At the same time, Mac and I do not want our daughters tolerating actual harassment. The answers are never as easy as one might think.

If you are beyond the dating time of your life, count your blessings! Do you have a story you would like to share? Feel free to drop it in the comments section below!