We have lost trust in our most basic institutions in America. The media, politicians, schools, our various and bloated intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, CDC, and many others have all lied to us or have shown political favoritism. If We The People do not mandate this change our country is lost.

Meritocracy is the principle that individuals should be selected for positions based on their abilities and achievements rather than their social status, connections, race, or sexual orientation. It is a system that rewards hard work, talent, and dedication, and it ensures that those who are best qualified for a job are the ones who get it.

Leaders who have the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions will help our country move forward and thrive. Leaders who are selected based on their merit will also be more accountable and responsible. They will understand the importance of their position and work hard to ensure that they live up to the expectations of their constituents.

Another subject we discussed has to do with America’s interference in foreign elections. When I hear that other countries have interfered or tried to interfere with ours and get criticized I laugh.

The United States has a long history of interfering in foreign elections. While the US government has often claimed that it does so to promote democracy and human rights, these actions have been widely criticized for their negative impacts on the targeted countries and their sovereignty. Here are some examples of America interfering in foreign elections:

  1. Iran, 1953: The US helped to orchestrate a coup that overthrew Iran’s democratically-elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh. The CIA worked with British intelligence to install the pro-Western Shah of Iran, who ruled for over 25 years until he was overthrown in the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
  2. Chile, 1970-1973: The US government actively supported efforts to prevent socialist candidate Salvador Allende from winning the presidency of Chile in 1970. When Allende did win, the US provided funding and support to opposition groups and eventually helped to orchestrate a military coup that led to the installation of General Augusto Pinochet as dictator.
  3. Nicaragua, 1984: The US government covertly funded and supported the opposition to the Sandinista government in Nicaragua’s 1984 election. The US also mined Nicaragua’s harbors and imposed economic sanctions in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election.
  4. Russia, 1996: The US government provided financial and technical support to Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s re-election campaign in 1996. The US government’s actions were widely criticized as interference in Russia’s electoral process.
  5. Ukraine, 2014: The US government provided financial and technical support to opposition groups in Ukraine’s 2014 presidential election, which resulted in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych. The US government’s actions were widely criticized as interference in Ukraine’s sovereignty and political process.
  6. In 2015, it was reported that President Obama’s administration had interfered with the Israeli elections by providing funding and resources to opposition groups that were seeking to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The US government had also sent a team of political operatives to Israel to work with these opposition groups. The Obama administration had been critical of Netanyahu’s policies towards the Palestinians and had been seeking to support a more moderate government in Israel. However, the US government’s actions were widely criticized as interference in Israel’s democratic process. Netanyahu himself condemned the interference, and some US lawmakers also raised concerns about the Obama administration’s actions.

These are just a few examples of America’s interference in foreign elections. While the US government has claimed to act in the interest of democracy and human rights, its actions have often been perceived as violating the sovereignty of other nations and interfering in their political processes.

Trust is a crucial component of any relationship, whether it is between individuals, organizations, or governments. When someone lies to another person, they break the trust that exists between them. This can have serious consequences, as it can damage the relationship irreparably. It is difficult to gain trust after lying to people, as the person who has been lied to will likely be skeptical of anything the liar says in the future.
Even if the liar is genuinely remorseful and wants to rebuild the relationship, it may take a long time for the other person to believe them. The liar may need to demonstrate their trustworthiness over a period of time through consistent and honest behavior.
In many cases, it may not be possible to regain the trust that was lost, and the relationship may be permanently damaged. Therefore, it is important to be impeccable with our words, in order to build and maintain strong relationships based on trust. I do hope Mac and Mike have gained your trust. If you find us to be in error please leave a comment.