The First Amendment Part 2

The First Amendment Part 2

Last week Mac and I decided to move ahead with some thoughts on the First Amendment and Religion. We planned on moving on to the elements that deal with freedom of speech and the press. However, with all the hubbub about January 6th, this video contains some...
First Amendment and Religion

First Amendment and Religion

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of...

Project Veritas and the 1st and 4th Amendment

Last week Mac and I talked about the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. We had planned to move on and talk about other Amendments. However, in the week that followed another pertinent case related to the 1st and 4th Amendments came to our attention. That was the raid...
The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment

Does the 4th Amendment allow the government to send unsolicited text messages? Is that an invasion of privacy? Should you give up your location and allow the Government, either State or Federal, to track you? Is the China Flu causing people to unwittingly capitulate...
Ethan Crumbley’s Parents Charged

Ethan Crumbley’s Parents Charged

Was it right to charge Ethan Crumbley’s parents with involuntary manslaughter? More information may be revealed as time goes on. However, it seems a bit over the top to hold parents accountable for the actions of their teenage children. We can come up with arguments...
The Election Process

The Election Process

Did you ever wonder why it is so hard for an average American to run for higher political office? What makes our system so difficult to navigate? Could Abraham Lincoln become President today? Mac outlines some of the processes related to elections. While he speaks in...
Foundational Principles

Foundational Principles

Foundational principles are sometimes called fundamental principles. For now, we can summarize it like this: “principles from which other truths can be derived”. Here is an analogy. I taught land navigation in the Air Force as a part of annual combat...
Mac and Mike with Vlad Lemets

Mac and Mike with Vlad Lemets

Vlad Lemets is a friend who served in the U.S. Army during the Iraq War. He is from Russia as you can tell by his accent. Vlad is an American citizen and has a unique perspective on many things. As he says, America is the last hope for the world. That is why he is so...
Mac and Mike on Ukraine

Mac and Mike on Ukraine

Tucker Carlson hammered Mike Turner, Republican Congressman from Ohio about a letter (see this link for the letter) he and other members sent to Joe Biden about supporting Ukraine due to a build-up of Russian forces on their border. See the Tucker vs Turner video at...
Decline of American Culture

Decline of American Culture

Mac and I were discussing the decline in American culture. We are both in our 60s and have noticed things getting worse. We wondered if it had something to do with Christian values declining. We were shocked to discover the decline from 2001 to 2019. In 2001 those...